Circle of Sisterhood Membership Sign Up

We are so excited to have  launched our first live group! This membership is a natural extension of our podcast and digital library of channeled lessons giving members the ability to access our hosts, the Creative Genius Gina and Divine Channel Misty, in a live, video call setting.


Details on this exclusive member-only access are below.

So exclusive, so rare, so giving.

This membership provides the opportunity to make meaningful connections and build lasting relationships as we support one another on our individualized and personal healing journeys.

In this group, you will be connected with like-minded souls who all share the desire to take back their power and take back their life.

If you are here, then it means you are ready to join a wonderful group of curious beings who have decided to get serious and take actionable steps to creating the life they have been daydreaming for years! 

The intention behind this membership is to provide community, support and accountability. This group meets monthly for two hours to explore topics all related healing and manifesting. During our sessions, there will be opportunities to ask questions and receive channeled messages in real time. And you may even be called on to share your story and receive 1:1 coaching to help you and the others on the call. 

This community is limited to 50 members and all monthly sessions will be recorded and shared. If you want to snag your spot before they disappear, click below to sign up NOW

Sign up here!

Watch this video below for a little more in-depth look at what the Garden of Growth membership will include, our mission on how to continue to help you and our sister tribe as a whole!